Thursday, September 6, 2018

Good and Evil

I should not be surprised to see a cared for, thought for, planned for, nation disintegrate while ragged, hungry, lustful nation survived. Certainly man thrives best (or has at least) in a state of semi-anarchy. Then he has been strong, inventive, reliant, moving. But cage him with rules, feed him and make him healthy and I feel he will die as surely as a caged wolf dies.

It isn't that the evil wins - it never will - but it never dies. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Trial and Error

'Trial and Error' is not really a great strategy for becoming financially stable, but currently the most-employed strategy by writers and actors in India. That needs to change. So many artists would be in better shape, and would stop being hard on themselves when it's really the system that's failing them. Because of this myth of the pure artist who is able to afford to live off of through grants, or some other mysterious way, we see many artists who feel like failures or sell-outs simply because they have to have a day job, take corporate work, or wait tables.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018