Friday, October 31, 2014

हम दोनों

हम दोनों एक आसमान के नीचे और बदलते मौसमों के बीच बडे हुए
हजारों किलोमीटर दूर रहके भी पास रहे
हम दोनों की इस हिम्मत की मिसाल देने के लिए शब्दों की ख़ूबसूरती की ज़रुरत नहीं
शब्दों की ख़ूबसूरती की बात करें तो चीज़ें आज भी नहीं बदली हैं
शब्द जितने खूबसूरत होंगे, बातें उतनी ही लम्बी और उलझी
बिलकुल हमारी जड़ों की तरह
उलझी हुई, गहरी और किसी तीसरे की समझ से बाहर

यहाँ बात प्यार की हो रही है तो प्यार का हावी होना ज़रूरी है
उन चीज़ों की या लोगों की हो रही है जिनसे दूर होते वक़्त
चाहे कितनी कोशिश करें
हम उनकी आँखों में देखके फिर मिलने का वादा नहीं कर पाते

वो तुमसे कहते हैं कि खराब वक़्त के लिए चेहरे पे हंसी चिपका के तैयार रहो
मैं तुमसे कहता हूँ कि प्यार को न तो सही वक़्त की ज़रुरत है, न सही जगह की
प्यार होने के लिए मुझे चाहिए तुम
तुम्हारे साथ कुछ मिनट और उन कुछ मिनटों में बैकग्राउंड में तुम्हारा पसंदीदा गाना 

प्यार की बड़ी-बड़ी बातें सुनता हूँ तो सोच में पड़ जाता हूँ
सोचता हूँ कि ये लोग प्यार करने की बनिस्बत नहीं, प्यार में जबरन पडे रहने के लिए ही शायद ऐसा करते हैं
गर ऐसा नहीं है तो एक-दूसरे की प्यार की कहानियाँ सुनते वक़्त क्यूँ हम खुद से कहते हैं,
"तुम्हारा प्यार अच्छा, मेरा प्यार तुमसे कहीं ज्यादा अच्छा
माना प्यार न हुआ, वजन नापने की मशीन हो गया

तुम्हारा पता नहीं 
पर मेरे साथ हमेशा ऐसा हुआ है कि जो चीज़ें मुझे याद रहीं, उन्होने मुझे बचाया
भूली हुयी चीज़ों को कोई दोबारा याद नहीं करना चाहता

तुमने कहा था जिस दिन ऐसा होगा
उस दिन सड़क पर ट्रैफिक कम, कॉफ़ी शॉप्स ज्यादा दिखेंगी
जहां हम दोनों जैसे प्यार में पडे लोग रोड ट्रिप्स और साथ में सनसेट देखने की बातें कर रहे होंगे
और बातें कर रहे होंगे नए और पुराने गानों की, एअरपोर्ट सिक्यूरिटी की और पासपोर्ट रिन्यूअल की

तुम नहीं जानती कि कोई तुमसे ऐसा ही प्यार करने लगा है
और उसके हिस्से आई हैं
प्यार की बड़ी-बड़ी बाते
उलझी हुयी, गहरी और किसी तीसरे की समझ से बाहर!


Tuesday, October 28, 2014


i will tell you exactly
what has really changed

week after week
over the years

wrists have gotten thinner
and the veins.. greener than ever

wonder which one of them leads to let the flesh throbbing
wonder how deep a cut should be
memorize kevin spacey's voice that says,

cut along the tracks
not across them
that's a rookie mistake. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Don't bother.

'it's okay, don't bother. she will get used to it or to say, she has gotten used to it'.

They say, option spoils you. He was not careful enough, she became an option. Even before, he realized. Realization is what we (mortals) can come closest to what they call, enlightenment. After all, first (firsts of many) memory of her first realization that struck her (and left her awestruck). That she is not meant for beautiful things. Firsts are anything but forgettable. Father seemed rather upset towards the notion of his flesh, has begun to corrupt. If only, she had the ability to convince him. Maybe, she would. someday. She is hopeless. It's going to be a bumpy ride. She had to take charge of the wheel. She had to know what drives her. Disguise? Indifference?

Speaking of spoiling, what love is, after all, if one doesn't get one's hand dirty? Dirty sounds negative. Negative is as extreme as positive. Grey is mediocre, so is she.

Lying next to him, her fingers locked to his, with her lips tweaked (if you call it a smile), she seems as if... wait. is she thinking? Thinking of what? 'When was the last time, have we thought about nothing?', she wonders. After all, nothing is what matters.

What smell is this? She sniffs, gets curious. Does curiosity really kill? Was that really the curiosity that killed the cat? They say, it's (almost) impossible to know a cat even you boast having spent a lifetime with one. Whatever happened to good-old-days of spending (time) that lead to wasting (a lot of time). These days? We invest. We invest our time, energy, every word we speak, every thought that flashes by, followed by actions. We invest in people, things that matter. Things that don't matter, we lay our cards upon the table with the reluctance to invest. Hearsay is, this way we may succeed to appear as intellectuals. Aren't we supposed to appear like one? After all, humans that we are. Creator's splendid creation and his only irony.

She finds out. It's her lungs filled up with his smell. She inhales, pauses. This way, she can have a part of him inside her, even for few seconds. She is desperate.

Night crawling towards dawn, soon there will be a new day. Cuts her thumb while chopping onion for omelet. Endearing it is, to fall in the idea of being in love rather than in love itself. She is panting, coughs up the omelet bit. Maybe, she should tune in the radio. Maybe, she shouldn't allow the silence filling her lungs. We crave but can we stand the silence?

Maybe, it's the invisible wall that separates us. Separation, her own little amusement.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


HE: You look beautiful tonight. 
SHE: We all look beautiful, naked. 

Don't we?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

a dream called sleep

'It's been how many years?', looking at her birthday cake which has her name engraved, she wonders. It always rains. It rained that very evening too. She is a fool. She thinks, it's a sign that someone is watching her over. God? One cannot be sure of 'God' unless you have seen him with your naked eyes. Have we? Sure, we have. We have seen him in our day-to-day life, in amidst of chaos, when someone makes our moments, fills our day with their warmth. We have felt his presence in all of those things, which pauses the moment and makes us smile. Haven't we?

She fooled you too.

Cutting the dream-sequensque nonsense, she realizes the unusual, now. It was a call from a dear friend. This dear friend was completely unaware of her birthday (how very special) morning, invites her to an intimate poetry-recitation session in remembrance of Bhagwat Rawat. After a moment's pause and not getting a response, he asks, 'you know him?' Hungrily, munching on her multi-fucking-grain bread, she says, 'not heard of him'. No prizes for guessing, he was kind enough to divulge details. Right before disconnecting the phone, she conveys disappointment on his ignorance of her birthday. (Secretly, she enjoys making her friends feel guilty). After making him feel guilty, she disconnects and starts to day-dream about the evening. Maybe, he would recite a poetry just to.. She is day-dreaming.

She is an idiot.

It's just rained and drizzling at the moment. She has this thing for drenching self in rain rather hiding under an umbrella. She calls it ecstatic. She is delusional. Swirling-up her mustard-yellow long skirt, gets into an auto, reaches at venue. It's one of the 16 storey building in Oshiwara and it has a lift too and it works fine. To her, a lift that works fine is a luxury, she can't afford. You didn't know? It's an another story, a long one at that. She will tell you the 'story of a lift', in another story. Not in this one. Yeah, 'my ground-my rules' and all that bull.

Gathering is exact intimate, her friend assured of. Like-minded lunatics. Teasing each other for not being in touch, we start laughing. Swallowing up every word of Rawat's poetry, she keeps asking about the poet and his life. His poetry just redefined the simplicity of words and the ways to communicate it. Here, sharing her most favorite:

चिड़ियों को पता नहीं

चिड़ियों को पता नहीं कि वे
कितनी तेज़ी से प्रवेश कर रही हैं
कविताओं में।

इन, अपने दिनों में, खासकर(specially)
उन्हें चहचहाना था
उड़ानें भरनी थीं
और घंटों, गरदन में चोंच डाले
गुमसुम बैठकर
अपने अंडे सेने थे।

मैं देखता हूँ कि वे
अक्सर आती हैं
बेदर डरी हुईं
पंख फड़फड़ाती
या अक्सर मरी हुईं।

उन्हें नहीं पता था कि
कविताओं तक आते-आते
वे चिड़ियाँ नहीं रह जातीं

वे नहीं जानतीं कि उनके भरोसे
कितना कुछ हो पा रहा है
और उनके रहते हुए
कितना कुछ ठहरा हुआ है।

अभी जब वे अचानक उड़ेंगी
तो आसमान उतना नहीं रह जाएगा
और जब वे उतरेंगी
तो पेड़ हवा हो जाएंगे।

मैं सारी चिड़ियों को इकट्ठा करके
उनकी ही बोली में कहना चाहता हूँ
कि यह बहुत अच्छा है
कि तुम्हें कुछ नहीं पता।

तुम हमेशा की तरह
कविताओं की परवाह किए बिना उड़ो
और बेखटके
आलमारी में रखी किताबों के ऊपर
घोंसले बनाकर
अपने अंडे सेओ।

न सही कविता में
पर हर रोज़
पेड़ से उतरकर
घर में
दो-चार बार
ज़रूर आओ-जाओ.

The pulse at the back of her neck is throbbing. She is marveled.

We talk about poetry the whole evening till midnight, while it's pouring heavily outside. Stealing her quiet moment, she realizes, poetry makes this world worth to live in. She is nuts.

One of the click from the evening. Meet Dhani, Rawat's granddaughter (and, most prettiest sight ever):

It's midnight. 'Quite an evening', she whispers.

She is quiet. She is sleeping.